There are a lot of different options for travel planning out there, in the ‘planner world.’ I’ve seen whole planners for trips, pre-printed traveler’s notebook inserts, printable inserts, and more. But, nothing out there really struck me as the perfect solution. So, staying in line with my “use Limelife dot grid notebooks for all the things” philosophy of late, I decided to make my own!
My gorgeous ‘Siren’ design TN from Imperfectly Perfekt was just waiting for my B6 dot-grid. This one has the cover in the Naomi colorway, and I double-sided-taped a photo I took last year in Provincetown to the top. J* and I go every year since we got married, so we’ve got the big details of the trip down.
What I needed, however, was something for the little details, combined with journaling:
- where we were staying
- deposit schedule(s)
- packing lists,
- meals and grocery needs
- gifts and souvenirs
- spending log
- “Wants” – to do and to eat
- Memory keeping
Enter the dot grid! I broke it into one or two-page spreads, depending on my needs. I used stencils for a good amount of the lettering, for the sake of consistency! I wanted it to look neat, but also purposeful. (Full disclosure: I used marker pens with the stencils and I pressed super hard, so you’ll see some shadowing on my pages: that wouldn’t happen with a regular marker, colored pencils, or a lighter hand!)
I started on the first page with where we were going, when we were going, and any of the little details we needed before the trip. I also decided to keep track of deposits, because J* and I decided to break it up over several payments. We’re making our next deposit this week, so I can fill that in soon, and what we’ll owe in the end! [ For decorating, I used stickers from an Etsy shop (The Planner and Paper Co), and Michael’s. ]
Next was the packing list – J* and I are over-packers, and I figured I’d need the extra space of a full spread This is especially true because I am a Crazy-Dog-Mom™ and need to pack for our pooch, this year. He normally doesn’t come with us, but our usual house/dog-sitter is unavailable… so it’s sure to be an adventure! I’ll likely use the boxes as check-boxes, and split these pages up into several columns
J* and I are fortunate enough to have a great relationship with the ladies who own the cottages where we stay in P*Town – they make sure we get in there every year! We’re also lucky enough to get to stay somewhere that has a fully functioning kitchen. Eating out every night is a: expensive, and b: tough on the diet! We want to enjoy ourselves, but also like the flexibility of cooking when we want to. There’s a Stop and Shop right in town, so we can stop there for everything we need. I marked spots for lunch and dinner – breakfast, we usually have in, or grab a bagel/muffin at the coffee shop down the street.
I never leave the cape without gifts for family, friends, and the kiddos in my life who call me “auntie.” I like having a space to plan ahead for those, because I already know the shops pretty well, and where I can get appropriate things. I can check it when we get there, and not get overwhelmed. The spending log will also help keep me on some type of a budget. (But really, it’s vacation.. ;) )
J* and I have our favorite restaurants, and our favorite activities, but always try to find some new things to do, and new places to get food. I’ve already started pre-planning this in pencil, and made a spot to write our “top three” to reference for next year. Always planning ahead!
Last, but not least, is one of my “memory keeping” spreads. I wanted a place to document each day we’re there, and plan to decorate seven spreads for the seven full days we’ll spend on the beach. My plan for this year is to invest in a mini-photo printer, so I can put a picture or two in the spreads and write about the day(s). I had just enough pages left in the TN insert for those seven days, and one last spread at the end for anything to remember for next year!
Are there any spreads you think I missed? What would you add? Drop them for me in the comments! Hopefully you’ll have a vacation to take, soon, and got some good ideas. xo
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