One of the things I love most about my Limelife Planner is the photographer section.  I’m a very amateur photographer, but I do have a small client base that is steadily growing.  I started taking photos for others a few years ago, mostly as a favor to friends.  Now that I do so on a regular basis, I need an easy way to keep track of my sessions.

I’ve been so pleased with the photographer add-on section of my planner*.  Photography is such an open-ended profession, and each photographer organizes things very differently.  The photographer section includes a variety of sheets, so it was easy to pick and choose what works best for me.

Photo Jun 13, 9 59 40 PM.jpg

After a few weeks, I realized that I really only needed to use a handful of the columns, so I just highlighted the ones I need.  As my business grows and I need to keep more things organized, it’s right there waiting for me!

I’ve mentioned this before in previous blog posts, but I just love having this section right in my planner.  I always have it with me, and I can quickly reference session information if needed.

Photography is quickly becoming a large part of my life, and the ability to customize my planner is the perfect way to keep it all organized!

* The planner pictured is the 2014/2015 Limelife Planner. 

This blog post was written by Abbey Niebel for the Limelife Planners Media & Creative Team. For more information about Abbey connect with her on Instagram: @mrsniebel. Please share and repost this blog entry with your friends! All we ask is that you give credit to Limelife Planners and the post author.