Limelife Planners has more than just planners, and the past few months, I’ve been using my Limelife notebook for lists, habit tracking, and a variety of other notes for grad school and things I’ve needed to have with me on the go.
The dot grid is absolutely fantastic because I can feel a little more freedom when I write. If I want to write lists in straight lines, I can use the dot grid like I would use normal lined paper, but it gives me the freedom to jot things down horizontally or across multiple lines without feeling like I’m wasting paper the way I would with a traditional notebook.
I have lupus, and I always have a lot of medical tracking (symptoms, triggers, migraines, appointments, etc.) that I need to do. Before, I would do it in my planner, but I felt like it wasn’t organized enough for my needs, and I didn’t like the thought of people looking at my planner and seeing all my medical things. For this, my Limelife notebooks have been absolutely perfect. I’ve been able to create a bullet journal-style habit tracking spread that is 100% catered to my symptoms and needs, and I can easily make changes for the next month if something didn’t work out the way I had originally hoped.
For February, I used some washi tape I had in my planning supplies and leftover stickers from some kits I had lying around. The right side of the two page spread is for monthly to do’s and goals I had (like getting into grad school), and the left side is for my mood, pain, and symptom tracking. I made sure to add the dates and space for writing prior to adding the washi tape and stickers so that I wouldn’t wind up having miscounted or running out of room; February already has only 28 days, definitely didn’t want to accidentally only give it 25!
In the top section of the tracker, I made a graph tracker for mood (from bad to good) and pain levels (from good to bad) on a rough scale of 1-10, which could easily be changed to fit someone else’s needs -- or to be a little more specific on levels. I just used a smiley face scale that I could easily reference to show my doctor the fluctuations throughout the month. Underneath the graphs, I sectioned off potential triggers and symptoms that I wanted to track. I still had some extra space on the end that I could have used to track more things, but I wound up using the section to mark questions and physical therapy appointments because that was most useful for me during the month.
In March, I changed a few things up with layout and how things worked best for me, and that’s the best thing about working in a Limelife dot grid notebook -- it’s so easy to change things! Each month, I can adjust how and what I’m tracking with ease, and I love the freedom to do so. Symptoms aren’t always the same; it’s great to be able to add or change what I need to without feeling like I’m wasting space on the page.

In between my habit tracking pages, I’ve had lists ranging from grad school application reminders to a packing list for my weekend in Wisconsin. I love having all of my lists in one place, and it’s a great addition to my planner to just toss in my purse and have with me wherever I go.
What are some things you could use as reminders or to keep track of in a Limelife Planners notebook? Tag Limelife Planners and I in your photos on Instagram to show off your notebook spreads: @JennS_90, and if you’re wanting to make your first purchase, use this link to get an added discount before you checkout! http://rwrd.io/ntr61cf